Baking Soda For Longer (and Stronger) Nails

Baking Soda For Longer (and Stronger) Nails

Baking Soda For Longer and Stronger Nails

Do you want to have beautiful nails? Longer, stronger, healthier and more aesthetic... 

Baking soda will help you achieve this goal!

The recipe with baking soda to take care of your nails every day.

You will need:

- 2 tablespoons of baking soda 

- 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide 

- moisturizer, such as Nivea cream 

- bowl 

- small brush or cotton swab

Mode of use:  

1. Put all ingredients in the bowl. 

2. Mix to a paste. 

3. Apply the mixture to your nails with the brush. 

4. Leave on for 3 to 5 minutes. 

5. Rinse with warm water. 

6. Moisturize your hands and nails with a rich cream. 7. Repeat this treatment for 15 days.

Result: Easy, fast and effective, isn't it? Longer and stronger nails and will grow longer . 

Why does this bicarbonate nail care work?

Baking soda rids nails of aggressive products that damage keratin. And this is important, because in the long run they destroy it and make the nail yellow. This is also the role of hydrogen peroxide, which will de-yellow it. But also to sanitize them: finished the mycoses.
The lemon also works very well to whiten them. The moisturizing cream brings its nourishing power. It can also be replaced by a bit of very fatty oil like castor or coconut.

How to take care of your nails?

You don't need to spend a fortune on a weekly manicure to have beautiful nails. Just take care of them regularly at home. Here are my tips: 
- If you use nail polish, choose quality products. Today, there are vegan, organic or without questionable content nail polish. 
- Remove this nail polish with a soft nail polish remover. 
- If you are a fan of semi-permanent nail polish, be careful, it damages the keratin quite a bit. Why? Because it is a hermetic layer that prevents the nail from breathing...and that, for weeks. So respect a "no polish" period between two applications. 
- Moisturize them regularly. Castor oil allows this and stimulates growth. 
- Consult a professional for any problem: hard or too soft nails, stained, yellow, ingrown or brittle nails... These symptoms are sometimes signs of other problems, especially nutrition. 
- In case of a broken nail, use this great tip to help it grow back properly.
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