How to do a water fast

How to do a water fast

How to do a water fast ,Planning a water fast,Fasting,5 Day Water Fasting Weight Loss Results,your health,harbouchanews

There is nothing more exhausting than a fast or a water-only diet. It is true that this diet costs nothing and can be used to lose weight, boost your spiritual life, and help your body rid itself of toxins. If taken correctly, it translates into a short-term decrease in caloric intake which would promote longevity and a healthier lifestyle. But, fasting can also be dangerous. Whatever your goal, you shouldn't take any chances. Be comfortable, work with the assistance of an experienced practitioner, and recognize when to stop this experience and gradually return to a normal diet.

Planning a water fast

1-Refrain from fasting if you have certain illnesses. Indeed, fasting may make some of them worse and put you in danger. Therefore, except with the express approval of your doctor, do not fast to water if you have any of the following conditions or if you are in any of the situations described below:

  • an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia,
  • hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar level) or diabetes,
  • an enzymatic deficit,
  • kidney or liver disease in its last stage,
  • addiction to alcoholic beverages,
  • thyroid insufficiency,
  • tuberculosis, infectious disease or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS),
  • cancer in an advanced state,
  • lupus
  • vascular disease or poor blood circulation
  • heart disease, including heart failure, arrhythmia, especially atrial fibrillation, heart attack, heart valve problem, or cardiomyopathy,
  • Alzheimer's disease or an organic mental disorder,
  • have had an organ transplant,
  • paralysis
  • be pregnant or breastfeed an infant,
  • take medicines that you cannot do without.
2-Fix the length of your water fast. Consider starting with a fasting day. Limit the period to 3 days if you are fasting without medical assistance. This short period of time has been shown to be beneficial for your health. A longer period may require medical supervision, such as during a fasting retreat.

This short period is a safer choice, which may offer less risk and more benefits to the body. Consider fasting in water for one day during the week at most.

3-Fast when you are not stressed. Choose a rather slow time, during which fasting will not affect your daily routine. As much as possible, avoid work and try to rest physically and mentally.

4-Prepare yourself psychologically. Fasting for several days can be intimidating. Talk to your doctor about it, read books on the subject written by well-known authors, and talk to people who have tried it before. Think of fasting as if it is an adventure.

5-Go gradually. It's best to take steps instead of suddenly stopping eating. At least 2-3 days before the fast, start by eliminating sugar, processed foods, and caffeine from your diet, and eat mostly fruits and vegetables. Also consider reducing your food rations a few weeks before D-Day to more easily prepare your body for the transition. It is also possible to fast intermittently before embarking on a strict water fast. Such a plan can be spread over a month:
  • 1st week: do not eat breakfast,
  • 2nd week: refrain from having breakfast and lunch,
  • 3rd week: skip breakfast and lunch, and reduce the food ration for dinner,
  • Week 4: Start your fast with water.

1-Drink 9 to 13 glasses of water a day. Generally, men should drink 13 glasses of water and other fluids (about 3 liters in total) daily, and women 9 glasses (2-1 / 4 liters) daily. You can limit yourself to the recommended daily amount of water during your fast. Choose the purest water you can find, or drink distilled water.
Don't drink all that water at once! Spread your consumption over the whole day. Prepare 3 jars each containing 1 L of water to see how much you will need to swallow.
Do not exceed the recommended amount so as not to create a health problem by upsetting the balance of salts and minerals in your body.
"When fasting, it is important to drink water, as most people are already chronically dehydrated."

2-Fight hunger. If you feel a strong urge to eat, drink 1 or 2 glasses of water to satisfy your craving. Then lie down and rest. This will be enough to calm you down. You can also change your mind by reading or meditating.

3-Break the fast slowly and gradually. Take an orange or lemon juice first. Then, gradually move on to the other foods on the menu. Eat small amounts every 2 hours. Start with foods that are easily digested, and end with those that are more difficult to digest. Depending on the time of the fast, you can spread this process over one or more days. Here are some foods you can include in your diet:
  • fruit juice
  • vegetable juice
  • raw fruits and green vegetables
  • yogurt
  • vegetable soup and cooked vegetables
  • cooked seeds and beans
  • milk, dairy products and eggs
  • meat, fish and poultry
  • other foods, if applicable
4-Eat a healthy diet regularly. Fasting will not help you improve your health if you resume eating foods high in sugars and fats. Instead, eat a diet of fruits, vegetables and whole seeds while avoiding bad fats and refined sugar. Exercise for 30 minutes, 5 days a week. Don't think that fasting will magically solve all your problems. In fact, most importantly, you will need to lead a healthier life to improve your health and well-being.

Fasting in the water in complete safety

1-Consult your doctor first. It is very important that you do not skip this step, because while a water fast can benefit some people, it can also harm others. Remember to tell your doctor about your medications and your illness if you do so, so that they can determine if you are fit to fast without putting your life at risk. Your doctor will listen to you and will probably ask you to do some blood tests before making a decision.
If you are taking any medications, they will tell you whether to continue taking them while you are fasting. They may also change the dosage to take into account the new situation you will be in.

2-Fast under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. It is best to choose this method for the benefit of valuable advice, especially if your fast will last longer than 3 days, or if you have any illness. Talk to a doctor who has knowledge of this matter. It will help you monitor how your disease is progressing during the experience. You can suggest that your doctor help you. If he can't, he'll probably recommend you to one of his colleagues.

3-Avoid vertigo. After 2 or 3 days of fasting, you may experience dizziness from getting up too quickly. Avoid this inconvenience by taking your time and breathing deeply. If your head starts to spin, take a rest right away, or lie down until you feel better. You can also place your head between the knees.
If you pass out, stop fasting and see your doctor without wasting time.

4-Distinguish between normal and abnormal side effects. While fasting, it is not uncommon to experience dizziness, weakness, nausea, or an increased heart rate. However, you will need to stop your fast and seek immediate medical assistance in case of loss of consciousness, great confusion, heart palpitations for more than a day or two, feeling unwell, having a severe headache or stomach upset. or any other alarming symptom.

5-Get plenty of rest. Your stamina and energy may decline during your water fast. Don't overexert yourself. Maintain a good sleep schedule. Fasting also includes physical, moral, sensory and physiological rest.
Do not deprive yourself, if you feel like taking a nap. Read encouraging articles. Listen to your body and don't force yourself physically.
If you feel tired or faint, do not drive a vehicle.

6-Avoid strenuous exercise. Your energy may fluctuate between weakness, fatigue and euphoria. Do not overexert yourself, even if you may feel that you are overflowing with energy. Instead, try doing yoga to strengthen your body and mind. This is a great technique for exercising moderately and stretching your muscles.
This activity may be suitable for some people and seem too strenuous for others. Listen to your body and act only when you are comfortable.

5 Day Water Fasting Weight Loss Results

After fasting for 5 days, you are bound to see results on the scale. Depending on individual metabolism and build, results may vary and will not be totally the same. Indeed, many factors must be taken into account.
Therefore, the 5 day water fasting weight loss results are as follows:
  • For a woman, the weight loss is often 2 to 5 kg.
  • For men, the weight loss is often 4 to 8 kg .


Tips and Warnings

  1. If you're looking for a less taxing alternative to fasting with water, try a detox. Avoid sugary fruits, and make a vegetable juice with kale, celery, cilantro, organic spinach and cucumber.
  2. Even if you lose weight on a fast, you will need to be active and eat a healthy diet to consolidate your results and not gain weight again.
  3. Stop fasting and seek medical help promptly if you experience discomfort, fainting, or severe stomach pain.
  4. A water fast can only be followed by knowledgeable adults who have received the green light from their doctor. This experience is not suitable for people under the age of 18.
  5. Do not perform a colon wash before or during the fast. Despite the alleged benefits of this act, there is still no scientific evidence regarding its effectiveness. On the contrary, the enema may harm your health. Also be aware that it can create cramps, bloating, nausea and vomiting.
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