Flat stomach: our best tips to lose belly fat quickly

Flat stomach: our best tips to lose belly fat quickly

Flat stomach: our best tips to lose belly fat quickly

We all dream of having an extra flat stomach like the bomba Shakira! To deflate quickly without going on a dry diet, adopt our great diet, fitness and cosmetics tips. Guaranteed results for the most assiduous!

Eat at regular times to have a flat stomach

Skipping a meal or waiting too long to eat lowers blood glucose levels ( hypoglycemia ). The ransom, it is the blow of bar… and the snacking assured with storage of fat. To avoid slipping, you have to set a framework based on three meals a day, each including satiating proteins. But if after a meal, you are flagada (digestive heaviness, feeling of overflow or swelling), it is in your interest to split your food intake by planning a snack. The idea: to avoid too much food in the stomach at the same time. Be careful, we do not add a snack but include it in his daily calorie intake!

The good snack: it's protein + carbohydrates with fiber. Examples: 1 fruit + nuts. Want a treat? Limit the damage by opting for half a chocolate bar plus 1 glass of milk or 1 apple or 2 brown rice cakes + 30 g of 20% cottage cheese • 1 slice of rye bread + 15 g of butter • 1 orange + 1 or 2 plain yogurts + 1 tsp. to c. oatmeal care. Other tips and equivalences in The Big Book of Food , Dr Laurence Plumey, Eyrolles edition.

Physical activity: the secret to keeping a flat stomach

To lose your stomach, it is not enough to review your plate. We must also move. The easiest thing, when you're not a sportswoman at heart, is to walk . The goal is to push the body to burn calories and convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy rather than fat reserves. It is effective ... provided you put the turbo! By adopting a speedy pace (from 7 to 9.5 km / h), we spend nearly 300 kcal per hour instead of 200! Even if the benchmark is 30 minutes per day, you can split your walk into 2 sessions of 15 minutes, or even 3 sessions of 10 minutes.

And to boost his abs, the belt that muscles the belly thanks to electrodes why not. Insofar as one also practices "real" sport and that one also limits the fat, the sweetness etc.… it is a targeted work which, in the long run, can pay off. The right session: 20 min per day for 3 to 4 weeks to begin to see the toning effect on the small tummy. The top: the Slendertone Connect Abs belt , which offers targeted toning and gives access to Abdocure, a complete 6-week program developed by coach Gady. On the program: sports exercises to optimize the effects of electro-stimulation and nutrition advice with examples of meals to gently review your diet.

Flat stomach: choose anti-swelling foods

To lose weight, it's always better to bite into an apple than to drop a packet of cookies. On that, we agree. But in fruits there are fibers and sugars (fructose, sorbitol), excess of which can ferment in our intestines. It is also a contribution of calories not to forget to count. We avoid the largest suppliers (banana, cherry, lychee, mango, grape, pineapple, etc.) in favor of less sweet ones which are around 50 kcal per 100 g: citrus fruits, kiwi, red fruits, etc. Very ripe fruits or in compote are more digestible because the fibers are broken by cooking.

The right fruit quota is : 1 clementine or 1 kiwi in the morning, 1 fresh fruit salad at noon, 1 apple or 1 compote as a snack.

False friends: the fruit juice because a liter is 600 kcal and 100 g of sugar. Smoothies quickly climb to 400 to 500 kcal per liter! And soft on dried fruits too: 1 handful of raisins is 50 kcal, or the equivalent of 2 sugars.

A priori, eating vegetables is extra for the line since they contain almost 90% water. If we don't drown them in sauce, it's about 100 kcal per plate. Except that they too can swell the belly and cause little worries that are not very glamorous. Of course, we favor them to lose weight but we select those which ferment the least in the intestine: spinach, zucchini , green and yellow beans, carrot, eggplant, lettuce, turnip, peppers… To avoid: the cabbage group.

Prefer the cooked. Beware of the raw salad. Because of their irritating fibers, raw vegetables can interfere with digestion. Tips: eat them in small quantities, with a little starch (rice, potatoes, pasta) or at the end of the meal. Grated, raw vegetables are also more digestible, due to the fractionation of their fibers. Also prefer peeled and seeded tomatoes, string beans, etc.… And of course, haro on the sauce!

Special mention for black radish : rich in sulfur compounds, this little vegetable stimulates the production of bile and contractions of the intestine. We understand why its consumption promotes transit! And in terms of calories, black radish is absolutely poor: 18 kcal per 100 g. To taste in slices or grated but also cooked like a turnip with meat or fish! Or as a drink mixed with carrot juice to improve the taste, 15 minutes before the meal. Or in the form of capsules (ArkogĂ©lules Arkopharma, Elusanes Naturactive…). Also digestible: artichoke.

Gently increase fiber to achieve a flat stomach

According to health experts, we should double our fiber quota and go to 30 g per day. Because it's good for transit, thinness (it creates volume in the stomach and makes satiety last), but also for the balance of the intestinal flora. And that is capital, because studies have shown that its imbalance is a factor of overweight! Easy to boost your ration: replace refined products with brown rice or wholegrain pasta, consume fresh fruits and vegetables, add oat bran or ground flax seeds in your yogurt. But be careful, do not increase them quickly, otherwise you will experience stomach aches. No more than 5g of extra fiber per week.

5 g of fiber = 2 fruits (125 g) or 1 cup of vegetables (160 g) or 35 g of oat bran or 15 g of ground flax seeds or 85 g of prune or 205 g of brown rice or 145 g of quinoa.

If whole foods are recommended, beware of excess because the cereal seeds have not been crushed. The cellulose covering that surrounds them can irritate the intestinal wall. If you're bloating, swap your morning cereal bread for wholemeal or spelled or bran bread. And grill it, it will be even more digestible

And in case of lazy transit, have the prune reflex. This great classic anti constipation has the advantage of being a natural remedy. Of all the dried fruits, it is the richest in fiber (15 per 100 g) and it also contains a component with laxative properties (phenylisatin). Hence the advice to eat 3 or 4 large prunes a day to make peace with your belly.

Slimming proteins, the allies of my flat stomach

Poultry (chicken, turkey) contains lean protein . Benefits ? They increase muscle mass, which consume a great deal of energy, require significant caloric combustion to be assimilated, and sustainably satiate. Obviously, we forget the skin (too bad!) Because all the fat is concentrated there! These friendly proteins are also found in ham, pork or veal tenderloin, veal cutlet, rabbit, white fish or even tofu and dairy products, even semi-skimmed or skimmed. The trick: build each meal (breakfast included!) Around a portion of 20 g of protein (= a quarter of the daily requirement).

20 g of animal protein = 87 g of chicken breast or 80 g of plain canned turkey or tuna breast or 143 g of white fish or 125 g of ham.

Also think of vegetable proteins: it is the new hobby of nutritionists because it is very beneficial for slimming. Take the soybean steak: rich in protein and low in fat, it can replace meat without problem. But if you are not into soy, tofu and company, you can refer to the whole armada of cereals and legumes which have the advantage of providing fiber and being very satiating, thus cutting short your cravings. of nibbles.

20 g of vegetable protein = 167 g of tofu or 76 g of seitan (a food made from wheat protein) or 33 g of spirulina (seaweed) or 185 g of edamame (fresh soybean) or 3 eggs or 235 g lentils

Track down gluten and lactose to lose belly fat

It's a fashion… but also a reality. We are talking more and more about "hypersensitivity" to this wheat protein which would affect many more people than the real allergy. If you are not well in your belly, reduce or stop wheat-based products (bread white, pastries ...) for the benefit of those made with corn flour, soybeans, buckwheat ... and see if things get better. And give preference to the gluten-free bread, pasta, biscuits, etc. ranges that are now easily found in supermarkets. And be aware that labels that mention wheat, wheat, spelled, barley, rye, starch, modified starch, starchy materials mean hidden gluten!

More and more people are also complaining about poorly digesting cow's milk. The reason ? Its natural sugar, lactose, ferments in the colon, causing gas, swelling, indigestion… Try vegetable drinks (soya, almonds, hazelnuts, rice, chestnuts…). Delicious to drink but also to cook desserts, for example. Their pluses: they are lactose and cholesterol free, and also poor in saturated fats, those that must be limited when you want to lose weight.

Drink more water to fight against water retention

In case of water retention, we tend not to drink enough. However, to expel excess water, you have to hydrate yourself throughout the day in order to eliminate the waste that clogs the body and prevents it from functioning well, from digesting well ... If you are prone to headaches. stomach, it is better to drink without meals, half an hour before or after. In all, 1.5 liters per day, or 6 to 8 glasses, starting with breakfast to wake up the digestive system. Opt for water rich in magnesium sulphates with a slightly laxative power, such as Hepar. And avoid drinking too cold or through a straw. And run away from flavored waters! 1 liter can contain up to 10 sugars!

The good plan: sip star anise: also called star anise, this granny remedy naturally relieves gurgling sounds. We drink this herbal tea after each meal, 1 star anise corresponding to a cup.

Homemade infusion : heat the water to a boil, then pour over the stars. Let steep for 10 minutes. For retail sale in pharmacies or organic stores.

Ready mix: star anise + mint + anise + verbena . This organic infusion contains neither artificial flavor enhancers nor colorings. And the plants are wrapped in staple-free freshness bags. "Organic herbal tea after-meal", Pagès: 20 sachets € 3.00 in supermarkets

Limit sugars and salt to lose belly fat

The enemies of the line are the fast sugars which cause the blood sugar level to rise sharply, resulting in a spike in insulin which promotes storage, and therefore weight gain. When you want to lose weight, the ideal is to limit yourself to the equivalent of 2 to 3 sugars per day. 1 sugar = 5 g = 20 kcal. 1 C. to s. powdered sugar = 40 kcal. Easy to eliminate those that you add to your coffee, tea, yogurt ... even if it means swapping them for a little Stevia. Those which are hidden in the recipes are more difficult to control. Start by reading the labels: the more the word "sugar" comes to the top of the list of ingredients, the more there is!

To keep your count, here are some benchmarks:

1 pain au chocolat or 1 piece of cake or 1 bowl of breakfast cereal (80 g) = 2 to 3 sugars

1 fruit yogurt or 1 tbsp of jam or honey or 1 tsp of hazelnut spread = 2 sugars

1 light compote (100 g) or a cookie or 2 squares of chocolate (10 g) or 1 candy or 1 scoop of sorbet = 1 sugar

As for salt, it is the sworn enemy of water retention. It retains it in the tissues, thus preventing its elimination. Result: our body is in the hot air balloon. First reflexes: no salt shaker at the table and goodbye cold meats, cheeses, aperitif biscuits, condiments and ready-made sauces. Like sugar, hidden salt remains the most pernicious. To give flavor, we fall back on spices and herbs. We can try the "false salt", in which potassium chloride replaces sodium chloride (pharmacy and health food store) or light salt, a mixture of salt and aromatics (in supermarkets). Low-fat products, such as ham with less 25% salt, also allow a small saving. A benchmark: do not exceed 4 to 5 g, which amounts to dividing by 2 its usual consumption.

There is 1 g of salt in: 1 pinch of salt or 1/3 of a baguette or 30 g of cheese or 1 slice of sausage or ham or 100 g of pizza or quiche or 1 bowl of store-bought soup or 1 juice of tomato (200 ml).

False friends: butter cookies or dry cookies. Yes, even sweet foods contain salt! Carbonated waters too rich in sodium.

Focus on good fat to have a flat stomach

A dish that is too fatty is heavy to digest and it "nourishes" the adipose cells. However, we should not completely eliminate fats but opt ​​for the best, those found in rapeseed and walnut oils, walnuts, flax seeds and oily fish. Moreover, ANSES (National Food Safety Agency) has revised the recommended nutritional intake (ANC) upwards: from now on, lipids can reach 35 to 40% of our daily calories.

Good points of reference: do not exceed 2 tbsp. to s. of oil per day or 10 g of butter. No more than 2 gravy dishes in the week. 15% light cream for cooking. 3 slices of sausage, it's like eating 10 g of butter. 1 handful of oilseeds provides 100 to 120 kcal and the equivalent of 1 tbsp. to s. of oil.

But that's no reason to cook sad. Of course, you have to avoid fried foods that make you feel belly or thighs. Conversely, it is not only steam cooking that is worth when you want to eat light. With water, stewed, in the oven, in foil and with a lot of spices, multiply the cooking methods in order to break the routine of the diet.

Pamper your intestinal flora to lose belly

Yes to probiotics. These friendly bacteria that inhabit our intestinal flora and improve digestion want us well! Numerous researches have shown that they not only allow you to find a flat stomach, but also to positively modify the absorption of certain nutrients, in particular fats. To strengthen its flora, we consume once a day a natural yogurt with bifidus, Lactobacillus case i or equivalent, and we do from time to time a course of food supplements.

And against gastric troubles, like dill, an effective aromatic plant. As it is very fragrant, it also allows you to forget about salt. Ideal with slightly bland white fish such as pollack or cod. More unusual, try it in grains with pan-fried shrimp ...

For a light express starter, mix 2 plain velvety yogurts with 1 tbsp. to s. mustard and 3 tbsp. to s. chopped dill. Add 2 diced cucumbers. Pepper.

Also good for digestion: chives, thyme, basil, tarragon, mint, bay leaf ...

Flat stomach: it is better to moderate your consumption of starchy foods

Pasta, rice, semolina, potatoes, pulses… starches are a top source of complex carbohydrates for satiety, long-lasting energy and pleasure. But they must be chewed well otherwise their starch is poorly assimilated, hence intestinal fermentation. And also take care of the quantities. A starchy dish provides an average of 250 kcal, or 40 g of carbohydrates like half a baguette. To eat less, pair them with vegetables at every meal. Unlimited steamed vegetables + 2 tbsp. to s. of starchy foods is enough to prevent hunger between meals. We do not drown them in butter, sauce, grated ... But we simmer them with tomatoes, onions, herbs ...

Learn to manage stress

We know from experience that our stomachs juggle with stress! The explanation: the intestine behaves like a brain. It contains more than one hundred million neurons and is in direct communication with our emotions. It only takes an emotional grain of sand to disrupt digestion. Managing your stress is therefore just as important as correcting your diet. Yoga, sophrology, meditation, relaxation… there is no better solution than another. It's up to you to choose the activity with which you feel in phase and, above all, which you find sufficiently motivating to practice it at least once a week.

The key to a flat stomach is also breathing well. Try this exercise which works the deepest abdominal muscle, the transverse muscle, the one that makes the stomach flat and marks the waist. Lying on your back, knees slightly bent, one hand on the lower abdomen below the navel. Inhale and inflate the stomach. To do this, push the air down your stomach. You should feel your hand go up as the stomach fills with air. Exhale without jerks, slowly. You should feel your hand going down as your stomach is emptying. Push the exhale fully until you flatten your stomach. Repeat about ten times, extending the duration of inspiration and expiration. To be practiced for 5 minutes several times a week.

Palpate-roll: massage your stomach like a pro

The key to a pretty belly? Massage yourself firmly and regularly, every day, if possible morning and evening, with a product with a high caffeine content that burns fat (such as Percutaféine, Elancyl, etc.). No little taste buds, let's go free! Start by massaging yourself in circular motions to warm the epidermis. Continue with a mini palpate roll, sliding the skin over a centimeter. Gradually increase the finger pressure and the length of the massage. Grab a small bead and place your fingers at both ends. Then perform a back and forth motion, back and forth, as if you were kneading a small ball of dough.

Best of all, you can treat yourself to a massage in a beauty salon like this special flat stomach treatment. Only 15 minutes per session. Its effectiveness is linked to a toned and hyper-targeted mechanical palpate roll. The ideal is to do 10 to 12 sessions spread over about 2 months in order to obtain a real result. But already after six massages, the skin seems smoother, firmer. But no miracle! The protocol must be accompanied by real efforts at the food level. LPG ® destock tummy care, € 30, per session.

Last tip: be tricky by wearing trompe l'oeil tights! Nobody has yet invented leggings that make you lose weight! But as long as you haven't lost enough belly, or when you can't lose any more, you can nevertheless refine your silhouette thanks to clever tights with a front plastron (Lytess type), which flattens the small tummy, a reinforcement zone that pushes up the buttocks and draining micro capsules (red vine, caffeine ..) integrated into the textile fiber.

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