Essential advices before dieting

Do you want to shed a few pounds? here are the keys to a successful weight loss without frustration and without pounds
Now, nutrition professionals talk more about rebalancing food than diet. This learning to eat well is long-term, avoids deprivation and relearn how to eat with pleasure. The secrets to healthy and lasting weight loss.
Set a reasonable goal: not wanting to lose more than 5 pounds in a month
Wanting to lose too many pounds quickly is the best way to regain it quickly. Weight loss must be sustainable. "Setting a reasonable goal and proceeding step by step is important to avoid the yoyo effect".
Make a choice in your food
No food is evil or forbidden. To lose weight or avoid gaining weight , you must eat everything in small quantities to satiety. In general, it is necessary to reduce ultra-processed and very rich foods (sweets, cakes, prepared dishes and in sauce, cold meats, etc.), reduce the consumption of fatty meat and replace it with fish (2 to 3 times a week), quality eggs, cheese (about 30 g per day). Vegetables should also be part of every meal and should ideally represent half of the plate . "We must not forget the vegetable proteins and remember to favor seasonal fruits and vegetables, diversity. Finally, eat as much as possible organic and local, advises the dietitian-nutritionists. Making the right choices on your plate means doing something for your health but also for the planet. "
Eat mindfully
To avoid eating more than necessary, it is important to eat without doing anything else, paying attention to your plate. "Remember to chew well to increase the release of flavors and aromas and reduce digestive disorders." Digestion begins in the mouth, chewing well helps digest well. It also takes longer, resulting in when the first signals of satiety reach the brain, you ate a little less than if you had swallowed your meal without taking the time to chew.
Increase portions of fruits and vegetables
To stay healthy, it is recommended to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day: with each meal. To make your job easier, you can opt for unprepared frozen fruits and vegetables, canned, in soup, checking that they do not contain any additives, and little salt… Be careful, however, not to over-consume them. As Virginie Roux reminds us, it is important to "eat your fill at each meal", this will prevent unwanted snacking.
What calories in vegetables?
Rich in vitamins, fibers and minerals, vegetables are essential for health. What are the most caloric? The least caloric? What advice in case of diet? What about pulses? Answers with our dietitian.
Have a real breakfast
Contrary to popular belief, breakfast is not an obligation, you must above all listen to your hunger, respect your feelings. "If the hunger is not there, it does not matter, we can have a snack a little later, or extend the fast until lunch. If you have breakfast, it must be composed of carbohydrates (sourdough bread of brown or wholemeal flour, unsweetened cereal flakes,), proteins (egg, cheese) and good quality lipids to nourish the brain ".
Ideal breakfast: what to take for a balanced start to the day?
"You should eat like a king in the morning, like a prince at noon and like a poor person in the evening" is a saying full of common sense. Several studies have shown that people who eat balanced and filling breakfasts are leaner and healthier than those who skip this precious meal. Tips and ideas for balanced, salty, quick breakfasts, for athletes ...
Shopping after eating
Hunger calls for fatty and sugary foods. To avoid buying high-calorie and / or empty-calorie foods, it is best to shop for groceries after eating.
Avoid snacking between meals
Snacking promotes weight gain. But as the dietician-nutritionist specifies, it is necessary to make the difference between snacking and real snacking: “The snacking is when we eat when we are not hungry, . hunger is felt in the middle of the morning or afternoon. " A late afternoon snack can avoid pre-dinner snacking. In order not to promote weight gain, the snack must be part of the dietary balance of the day and not provide excess calories. Snacking should be avoided as much as possible.
Always have in your fridge and cupboards
Foods that are too rich, too fatty, too sweet, ultra-processed promote weight gain. During a diet, it is better to avoid having them in your cupboards. Replace them with satiating staples that will allow you to whip up a quick snack or meal and prevent you from digging into empty-calorie foods. Always have eggs (to quickly make an omelet, hard-boiled eggs, or a soft-boiled egg), fruit (to consume with a handful of oilseeds, or a dairy snack), plain vegetables (frozen, canned, soups), canned fish in its natural state (sardines, mackerel, tuna), sliced wholemeal bread ...
Do not skip meals
To avoid cravings that can lead to consuming the wrong foods, it is better to eat 3 balanced meals a day, leaving the table feeling full. However, the rule of three meals a day is not an absolute obligation: skipping a meal because you are not hungry is quite possible. Conversely, depriving yourself by thinking that you are saving a few calories is a bad idea. Whether you are on a diet or not, it is important to always listen to your feelings of hunger. Note: "If a person does not eat breakfast out of habit or because they do an intermittent fast for example, it will then be necessary to ensure that they provide everything the body needs during the day".
Drink enough
"The body uses and loses water throughout the day, recalls the dietician-nutritionist. We must therefore compensate for these losses." It is recommended to drink between 1 and 1.5 liters per day. A little more during hot weather and if you do physical activity, you should drink to compensate for the water loss associated with this activity.
Do not forget the sport activity
Weight loss is played out both on a plate and by practicing physical activity: "Resuming or having regular sporting activity slows down weight gain". Everyone goes at their own pace with the sport that suits them, the important thing is to move, 30 minutes of active walking each day is already a good start.
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