COVID-19 and Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal reaction to uncertainty and things that may harm us. For many of us, the coronavirus and the COVID-19 illness make for a very uncertain future. People worry about their own health and the health of their loved ones. People may also have a lot of concerns around school or work, their finances, their ability to take part in important community and social events and hobbies, and other important parts of their lives. People who already experience a lot of anxiety may find their anxiety worsening.
It's important to be kind to yourself. This is an anxiety-provoking and stressful time for everyone, and it's okay if you feel more anxious than usual. It is important to take time for yourself to manage your mental health. You are doing the best you can in a time when simply turning on the news can feel overwhelming.
While anxiety is a normal and expected reaction to the pandemic, too much anxiety can start to cause harm. Feeling stressed and fearful every day takes a toll on health and well-being very quickly. When anxiety and fear lead to panic, people may also take precautions that ultimately cause disruptions in their lives, like demanding a lot of tests or medical care when it isn't necessary or stockpiling certain supplies to the point that those supplies aren't available to people who are sick and need those items.
Anxiety can also cause the opposite reaction: denying or refusing to believe that the situation is serious. Denial is unhelpful. When people deny the severity of a situation in order to avoid anxiety, they may do nothing or they may ignore public health orders or recommendations from health authorities.
A better place is somewhere in the middle. Coronavirus and the COVID-19 illness are serious and we should be concerned about the situation, but they are not catastrophic disasters. You can use that concern to take positive and protective actions—things like practicing good hygiene, staying home when you feel sick, and having a plan in case you need to self-isolate.
What can I do about coronavirus and the COVID-19 illness?
When you feel anxious and uncertain about the future, it's easy to feel hopeless. Coronavirus and the COVID-19 illness may seem out of your control, but that isn't entirely true.
Take action
Taking reasonable action can help you take back control and reduce anxiety. Look to trusted organizations and agencies for information about steps you can take to reduce your risk of getting sick or passing the illness on to others. If you are more vulnerable to the coronavirus or are in contact with others who may be vulnerable, talk to your doctor or care team about any additional measures to take based on your own situation.
Take care of yourself
Eat as well as possible, exercise regularly, spend time outside if it's safe for you, get enough sleep, and make time for hobbies.
Stay connected with family and friends
Isolating yourself from others, such as staying home from school or working from home for longer periods of time, can affect your mood. If you can't see someone in person, you can still reach out by phone, text, or video call.
Help others if you can
People who are more vulnerable to coronavirus and the COVID-19 illness may have to take extra precautions or isolate themselves more than others. Ask friends, family members, or neighbours if they need anything, such as groceries or other household needs. Simply checking in regularly by phone, text, or video call can make a big difference.
Cut back on the amount of time you spend on social media and the news
It's important to be informed, but constantly checking for updates or reading sensationalized stories can really take a toll on your mental health. Stick to trusted, verified news sources and limit yourself if social media or news stories increase your anxiety.
Some people find it helpful to talk through anxiety-provoking situations like COVID-19, but others may find those conversations make their anxiety worse. If you need to limit conversations, it's okay to tell family, friends, and co-workers that you can't participate. Just make sure you don't ignore all news and important messages—the goal is to take in the information you need and cut down on the excess, not ignore the situation altogether.
Practice self-management
Try different self-management strategies like mindfulness, yoga, meditation, art, exercise to manage anxious thoughts.
Have a plan
It's hard to predict exactly what will happen next, but taking care of factors in your control can go a long way in managing worries. This can be very basic, like making sure everyone at home has a good mask, setting aside a few minutes a day to read updates from quality sources, and scheduling self-management like a walk outside into your day. In certain regions, residents are advised to keep two weeks of supplies at home in case they have to self-isolate. This includes food, household products, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, and supplements.
Seek extra help or support when you need it
People feel anxious about the future at the best of times, and many people have never encountered a pandemic like this before. It's okay if you need help.
Here are some signs that you might benefit from additional help and support, either from an organization, association or your family doctor:
- You can't think about anything other than coronavirus or the COVID-19 illness
- Your anxiety interferes in your daily life—for example, you have a hard time going to work or being in public spaces even when the risk is very low
- You isolate yourself from others when it isn't necessary
- You feel hopeless or angry about the situation
- You have a hard time eating or sleeping well
- You experience physical symptoms like frequent headaches or an upset stomach.