The top 10 wellness foods

To combat the stress, regain energy or simply feel better, some foods work wonders on our body. Discover, in pictures, the top 10 of the 100% wellness foods !
We are often told that the well-being goes through the plate. It has to be said that this is not a myth!
Did you know that foods high in fiber lower cholesterol levels? That the spices and aromates are perfect against digestive problems? Or that the banana stimulates the production of dopamine, the origin of the feeling of happiness?
Being healthy is essential, but if you can combine the useful with the pleasant, it is even better. Contrary to what is thought, eating bad sugar (or refined sugar contained in our dear friends cakes, prepared dishes and other diablotins on paws), does not boost our morale at all. Worse still, he is slowly killing him. The lack of serotonin (a neurotransmitter that regulates our mood), can lead to depressive or anxious symptoms.
Some foods are full of treasures that do good to our body and mind. But you still need to know which ones! Those that contain omega-3 are the best to boost our body and improve our cardiovascular system.
Discover our top 10 wellness foods !
- Chocolate
Its effects on mood are no longer to be proven. Rich in magnesium and antioxidants, chocolate is excellent for reducing anxiety (thanks to its production of serotonin, the pleasure hormone). Be careful, however, not to consume it excessively... Half of a chocolate bar provides 530 calories, so prefer mini-tablets (20g approx.) with 70% cocoa, less fatty and sweet. In general, be careful not to exceed 80 g of chocolate per day.
- Blueberries
Not only are blueberries excellent for the heart and eyes, but they also have many antioxidant (action against free radicals and aging), antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory (especially in the throat and mouth). Eating blueberries fills up with vitamin D and boosts the immune system.
- Lenses
Thanks to their high carbohydrate content, lentils help stimulate the body by stimulating our good mood and tone. The fiber content of these legumes, excellent for health, allows us to help fight against certain cancers (colon), diabetes or constipation.
- Eggs
Eggs contain good proteins such as tryptophan, precursor of serotonin, and essential for good mood. They are also full of vitamin D that boosts our morale!
- The banana
Low in calories, rich in fiber, the banana would prevent the appearance of many diseases such as cancer, ulcer, chronic diarrhea, diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. Anti-depressant, anti-stress, but also anti-hangover, the banana can become a real ally against gloom. It contains tryptophan, a protein that the body converts into serotonin, an excellent natural relaxant. It is also rich in vitamin B, which helps to relax the nervous system.
- Soybeans
Did you know that soy contains tyrosine, an important amino acid for the body? Upon arriving in the brain, this famous tyrosine is transformed into dopamine, a pleasure hormone, which then acts as a mood regulator and would reduce stress. Soy is also perfect for fighting cholesterol.
- Sesame seeds
Rich in vitamin B6, sesame seeds are ideal for promoting the chemical process of "good mood". Do not hesitate to put it in your dishes!
- The chew
Did you know that leafy greens, such as spinach, chewing, chard or cabbage are rich in vitamin B9, magnesium and antioxidants, perfect to regain a healthy morale?
- Nuts
Just like their friends hazelnuts, almonds or pistachios, nuts are shell fruits, commonly called nuts, with a solid and often waterproof shell. Nuts are known for their high magnesium content. The latter plays a crucial role in nerve transmission and relaxation. To promote relaxation and well-being, eat nuts!
- Salmon
Full of good omega-3, salmon is fatty, certainly, but in the good sense of the word! Its fats are renowned for their protective effect on the heart. But not only that. Eating salmon or sardines can also help improve morale. The reason: omega-3 and vitamin D act on dopamine and serotonin, with brain chemical messengers acting directly on mood.